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Monday, November 1, 2010

just thought i would post this

it's probably a dumb thing to do in a society that will try and use it as proof i manufacture amphetamines.but it's about time they got the message they don't own the people they haven't given any political representation to .and whilst they continue to act as if they own the lives of drug takers a state of cold warfare will exist between them and the forces of jaclf.After all it is they that declared a drug war on a sick and unarmed section of their own people that in my opinion makes the government guilty of treason the only capital offense on the books and if we can raise the funds i will drag them kicking and screaming. in front of the international courts to face charges of war crimes . regards the motorcycle messiah.

in reference to: Blogger: Your Friend Has Been Emailed (view on Google Sidewiki)

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