Webs - jaclf - Members: "- Sent using Google Toolbar"the other side is still being pathetic and stopping me from telling how they use dirty tricks, to silence me well wait till i get them in court tomorrow lets see them lie their way out of this .
well court was a none event but they set a trial date for 21st April would love people to turn up a big audience is the best guarantee of justice seen to be done.the judge remarked that being my own lawyer ,because of the calibre of the cross examination it would be over in a day with 18 police witnesses.HA HA it will take 1 day just for an expert witness to explain how the spectral lines from gas chromatography work and knowing that it cost 85,000 per day in district court 15 years ago i wouldn't say my cross examinations would go for less than two days per witness if things go well.well they wanted this drug war lets see how happy they are now i make them pay for it because i don't care if they don't like me in fact i prefer they don't then i don't have to feel remorse for them.regards the motorcycle messiah
well court was a none event but they set a trial date for 21st April would love people to turn up a big audience is the best guarantee of justice seen to be done.the judge remarked that being my own lawyer ,because of the calibre of the cross examination it would be over in a day with 18 police witnesses.HA HA it will take 1 day just for an expert witness to explain how the spectral lines from gas chromatography work and knowing that it cost 85,000 per day in district court 15 years ago i wouldn't say my cross examinations would go for less than two days per witness if things go well.well they wanted this drug war lets see how happy they are now i make them pay for it because i don't care if they don't like me in fact i prefer they don't then i don't have to feel remorse for them.regards the motorcycle messiah